
Top Recruitment Platforms for employers to Check

With the rise of the internet and technology, it has now become easy for individuals to learn diversified skills and come up with specialized roles that are beyond the scope of traditional roles. As the areas of work become diversified and specialized at the same time, finding the right talent becomes increasingly difficult, considering the diversity of the market, and the scattering of talent pool. To overcome such times, companies like Talismatic prefer the use of specialized recruitment platforms to get the work done for employers. These platforms not only help to find and profile the relevant talent, but eases the interviewing and hiring process, thereby attracting top talent for the company. To understand the different recruitment platforms available in the market, we have created a list of recruiting dashboard of top platforms that are essential to make the next best hire. LinkedIn Talent So far identified as the popular social network for professionals, LinkedIn h

Ongoing Trends within the Recruitment Market 

Recruitment , like any other segment, needs frequent updates to keep up with the flow of how a  recruitment market  works. A change every year is to be expected in order to improve hiring strategies based on past analysis. For successful hiring, it is vital to come up with newer hiring strategies every year and keeping with the hiring trends within the  recruitment market . Read more  Ongoing Trends within the Recruitment Market

Skill demand - Talismatic

Talismatic’s skill demand graph will help educators predict, which skills are set towards an upward trajectory within coming years

Ways to Overcome Skill Gaps through University Courses - Talismatic

Finding jobs has become a tedious task due to the high number of candidates seeking jobs versus the job vacancies in the market. And with the serious gap in skills making candidates lose out even more, educational institutes have certainly realised the importance of closing this widening gap by preparing students better with relatable course material. Here are some ways through which universities can overcome this skill gap: Focus on Course Material that Provide Practical Knowledge One often hears students and parents complaining about the lack of practical knowledge imparted in schools, colleges, and universities. With subjects that vary from what one faces in their daily lives or in their jobs, most companies have now been able to notice skill gaps among new recruits where there seems a lack of implementation of all the knowledge gained. By focusing on courses that provide the practical knowledge needed in the various industrial and corporate sectors, educational instit

Recruitment Strategies Using AI to Improve Quality of Talent Acquisition

USA : Artificial intelligence has proven its usefulness in almost every field. Among these fields, recruitment has been one that sees the most need for time-saving options of hiring, making AI even more vital in recruitment. There are numerous reasons why companies should opt for AI in both talent acquisition and retention of employees . Here are all of the benefits of AI in recruitment : Enhancing Standard Recruitment Measures Among job seekers today, barely a handful have the talent needed to take companies to newer heights. In short, all of the candidates that are desirable in terms of their qualification and ability are being scouted for and offered numerous offers frequently. In such cases, relying on standard recruitment measures is hardly prudent. Using artificial intelligence in recruitment is the best way to enhancehiring strategies and get the best talents on-board even while competing with your competitors. Another shortcoming to talent acquisition where the best i

Challenges Faced by HR during Retail Recruitment in USA

Talismatic : Recruitment   is a process that involves thorough planning and strategizing, irrespective of the business sector. The retail industry have challenges of their own that to other industries may not seem like a great barrier. On the other hand, these challenges may well be the factors that affect the growth and development of said industry or firm. Here are some of the major challenges that HR face during retail recruitments and the ways to combat these issues. Increased Turnover Retail sees some of the highest turnovers every year. With employees joining the firm and leaving frequently, the time given to train these employees and develop their skills is a loss to both the retail company and the employees in charge of training. The cost per hire is accelerated. Customer loyalty and branding is another thing can could be affected with constant turnovers. The answer to this problem lies in hiring right and retaining these employees through means that are beneficial to the

Talismatic: Key Factors to Consider During Financial Recruiting

USA: Financial organisations  often find it challenging to find the right talent to take their company further. This is due to economic uncertainties as well as the changing financial trends. As a  financial recruiter , one is not only expected to select candidates that are best suited to ensure development of both business and client, but also seek promising contenders that would add value to the finance service sector. Along with updated  HR technology , there are numerous other consideration to be made during financial recruiting. Staying Updated with the Latest Business Trend The candidates to be recruited should have working knowledge of current business trends, market drifts, inner working knowledge of financial service sector and the ability to find their way about the finance markets. Candidates should keep themselves abreast of new technologies and integrate learnings from both local and global markets. The right  talent management software for financial  organisations